Учимся красиво говорить!

 Для выражения мнения, согласия или несогласия,

предположения или намерения... начните со следующих слов/фраз:

I think / I believe / I reckon / I suppose/ I guess I do believe that…
In my opinion, … / To my mind, .../ In my view, .../ As far as I am concerned, I think...
I am (deeply) convinced that.../ My view is just the opposite
There is no denying that… (on ne peut nier que)
I maintain that…/ I am convinced that…/ It all boils down to… 

I agree with.../ I do agree with…/ I entirely agree with…/ I completely agree with…
I think you’re (absolutely) right. / That’s true/ Definitely/ Absolutely

I disagree with…/ I don’t (quite) agree/ I don’t think so
I think you’re wrong/ Nonsense! / Rubbish!/ This is absurd!
To put something in perspective/in question
Let us consider/the other side of the coin/the cons…

Let me give you an example/ Let us consider this example
The best example I know is…
For example/ For instance…
To quote an example…/ Suppose that…

Perhaps, maybe
It may/might/could/is likely to + BV
It looks as if...

I intend to + BV
I’m thinking of + BV –ing
I’m planning to...
I’m determined to...
I’m convinced that I should…
I’d prefer to do…/ I’d rather do…

In conclusion I would say that…
Let me conclude by saying that…
All this goes to show that…
The problem may be summarized thus/ as follows...
To come to a conclusion/ to the conclusion that…
On the whole…


Learn Grade 1 - Science - The Parts Of The Body and Their Functions

Grade 1 - Social Studies, Good Manners activity project: Table setting with paper cut outs.

Learn Grade 2 - EVS - Communications Grade 1 - Science: Projects, activities, work pages, and games about plants and their roots. Grade 1 - Science activity project: Collect nature objects and categorize into different shapes.


ОРІГІНАЛ матеріалу: http://audiorazgovornik.ru



    • Mind---"Would you mind giving me a hand with this?"
      by Aaron Knight  :   http://www.phrasemix.com/

    • You're cleaning the kitchen. Your wife isn't helping you. You want to ask her to help, but you'd like to ask politely so that you don't start a fight. You say:

      Вы делаете уборку на кухне. А жена вам не помогает. Вы хотите попросить её помочь, но вежливо, чтобы не возникло ссоры. Вы говорите:


      Baby, would you mind giving me a hand with this? =  Дорогая, ты мне немножко не поможешь?

      Baby                      дорогая, милая (обращение к жене, любимой) Words like "baby", "sweetheart", "darling", and "dear" are sometimes used between couples in place of each other's names.  It can sound more sweet and loving to use these words than to call someone by name.
      Слова "baby", "sweetheart", "darling" и "dear" порой используют между собой (супружеские) пары вместо имён. Они звучат ласковее, любовнее, чем простые имена would you mind (doing something)        вы не против (того, чтобы сделать что-то)? 

    • "Would you mind ___ing?" is a good way to politely ask for something that isn't too much trouble for the other person. Some more examples:
      "Вы не могли бы (сделать что-то)? - это хорошее, вежливое выражение просьбы сделать вам что-то необременительное для другого человеа. Например:

      Would you mind passing me that bottle over there?
      Вы не передадите мне вон ту бутылку?

      Would you mind watching my bag for a few minutes?
      Вы не посмотрите за моей сумкой несколько минут?

      Would you mind sending me a list of everyone who's coming?
      Вы не пришлёте мне список всех, кто должен прийти?
      give (someone) a hand with (something)            немножко помочь 

    • "Give (someone) a hand" means to help someone. The word "help" has a wide meaning. It can be used to describe helping someone with a small problem, or with a serious emergency. So when you're asking for help, it's important to express how serious the problem is. For big emergencies, you just yell:
      "Give (someone) a hand" значит "помочь кому-то". Слово "help" = помогать имеет широкое значение , может означать и мелкую помощь, и серьёзную помощь при несчастном случае. Поэтому при просье о помощи важно дать понять, насколько серьёзна ваша проблема. Если ваша жизнь в опасности, вы просто кричите во весь голос:


      For smaller but still serious problems, you can ask:
      Для меньших, но всё же серьёзных проблем вы можете попросить:

      Can you help me?
      Вы мне не поможите? = Помогите мне, пожалуйста

      And for small problems that aren't an emergency, you ask:
      Когда проблемы мелкие (не угрожают здоровью и жизни), вы просите:

      Can you give me a hand?
      Помогите мне немножко, пожалуйста.